
Sixty men Piancaipianse sentenced to 12 years insisted that the court acquitted ( Figure )UGG UK

1991, the Song Xiaosen contract Gansu University of labor service companies In November 1993, Song Xiaosen by prosecutors on suspicion of committing fraud and deception arrested in February 1997 was released on bail. In December 2001, because of his fraud, bribery was detained on 12 December the same year,UGG Outlet, was arrested.

victims of fraud 3 270 000

court on

been error in custody

2006 年 12 月the end of 2007, Song Xiaosen looking through matchmaking cheating object. He said he is willing to force workers to change jobs to a large administrative cadres, and the middle-aged single woman living together shortly after Wie understanding of life. Wie presented in whole to judicial documents, the fabrication Procuratorate will be up to 180 million yuan of state compensation, and to

court hearing that a lot of evidence that Song Komori fraud, the fact that other people's money, the defendant argued that it is not fraud, part of a defense is not established credit. Song Xiaosen defendant's behavior has been a fraud, the prosecutor accused guilty as charged. To commit the crime, the Song Xiaosen squandered all the stolen money, causing huge losses to the victims should be punished according to law. Accordingly, the Court of First Instance to the defendant Song Xiaosen guilty of fraud, sentenced to 12 years imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for two years and fined 50,000 yuan.

fraud 270 000

money after the hand, not yet cut off relations with Wie's Song Xiaosen in October 2007, on a large retired cadres willing to work status, by dating a divorced woman, presented with the text of a talk from the love. Song Xiaosen vowed son said the text of a matter of packets on the military in him, for, was reading the text of a secondary son stayed at home, waiting to listen to Song Bobo arrange military school. Mother and son or even a loan shark to the Song Xiaosen 6 million,

defendant insisted that innocent


in the text of a presentation, the son of the students have been attracted Song Bobo's magical wand, his mother Jiangmou borrow 77,000 yuan to Song Xiaosen same. Later, the text has not seen Songxiao Sen said some 1.8 million state compensation, in this case, Songxiao Sen himself suddenly disappeared. Aware of their being taken, the paper, began to look around Songxiao Sen, later, a text, Wie and Jiangmou bump, they found, Song Xiaosen to 3 people about the Mobile content is exactly the same, every time money also written promissory note, three people made to the Seven Mile River Police.

of First Instance sentenced to 12 years

by the State Compensation 107 000

court, the defendant stunned: I am a morally corrupt person,Moncler Online, but to borrow money is not a crime

2003 March, City Court acquitted after trial. In September 2004, Song Xiaosen lawyer Lanzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate wrongful arrest on the grounds, a request state compensation. July 2005, the High Court review, Song Xiaosen 1677 days actual custody, decided to compensate Songxiao Sen Municipal Procuratorate 10.7 million yuan compensation for personal freedom.

prosecution that the defendant Song Xiaosen illegal possession for the purpose, to fall in love with the victim,UGG Online Outlet, apply for state compensation, for the children to contact the military and other false reasons for the name of fraud victims 27 million yuan, should be held criminally responsible for fraud. The face of public prosecution allegations, Song Xiaosen all denied, and that it is just an ordinary private lending, and do not constitute fraud. Text of a victim's money, he never took, and I usually spend his money a text, he returned to the text of a rent. During the trial, the gray-haired Song Xiaosen repeatedly with more than 1 hour to produce multiple copies of the court detailed the evidence,UGG UK, Song Xiaosen stunned: said the innocent, claiming that the error is still in custody, he will have to apply for state compensation.

After the verdict, Song Xiaosen court of appeal.

fabricate a variety of reasons

correspondent Lishu Chen

WASHINGTON sixty men Song Xiaosen to love, for state compensation, for the children to contact the name on the military and other reasons, obtaining three women about 27 million. May 24, the City Court of First Instance sentenced the defendant Song Xiaosen fraud to 12 years imprisonment and fined 50,000 yuan. Song Xiaosen appeal court ruling.

