
Moncler Jackets UK Department of Dance teachers requiring students to gain weight pound fine of 50 y

Teachers requiring students to gain weight 50 Yuan Ren Jie pound fine mapping

how to keep fit? Chongqing Art School Dance Department of the teachers came up with such a move - the students gain weight pound fine of 50 yuan. Yesterday, the City Cultural Radio and TV communications,Moncler Jackets UK, said the teacher has to criticize the wrong way, requires no work in the future recurrence of similar incidents.

fat fine

call letters by the students could not

Recently, the City Cultural Radio and Television students receive a letter from the mailbox, Chongqing Art School Dance Department a question teachers to be fined on the fat requirements.

letter call themselves the Chongqing Art School Dance Department 2006 5 classes.

letter said, start, there is a fat impose fines and requirements,Moncler Jackets UK, we probably once every two weeks, said the weight penalty five pound weight gain at first, then fined twenty pound weight gain and these we can afford, we are not to teacher proposed, according to penalty only. one hundred. The teacher said the money would be fine to buy clothes for us, but this time we class as a unit to purchase a number of Korean practice skirt, a fine teacher and did not give us the money as clothing costs. >

letters from students saying, >

Chongqing is a city of culture and art schools in charge of Radio and TV secondary art school. City Media Bureau conducted an investigation immediately on the letter.

City Media Bureau letter in reply, said yesterday, after looking for teachers and students in the class teacher Li Qi extensive investigation, Li Qi in the semester, when indeed Cai meters and other students announced and if the student $ 50 per pound fine to gain weight requirements. Zhang former teacher from a professional teacher of students the teacher point of view, there are strict weight requirements, and individual students were overweight fine, fine gold used as a unified class fees. Li Qi teacher followed this approach.

Why make a fine of $ 50 per pound of gain weight requirements? Yesterday morning, Li Qi told reporters, Dance Department 2006 5 December this year, students in the class will participate in the professional examination, professional dance is very strict on the body. Period, after school, repeatedly reminded the students to pay attention to weight control, but the effect is not good.


heart good practice poor

schools have been criticized for its education

Chongqing, told reporters about art school, teacher and former teacher of Li Qi Zhang teacher punished the students regarding the school did not know. Li Qi teacher to do so mainly because of young, inexperienced, and lack of communication students and parents.

investigation, reported that the letter because a student was 6 pounds overweight fine of $ 300 things not true. From the survey,Moncler Jackets UK, in fact, Li did not really receive the student's fine. Even the teacher of individual students in accordance with the provisions of fines handed, the teacher is the students returned the next day.

Chongqing Art School, said school teacher has been banned from any form of fines and corporal punishment of students. After the incident, the school had to find Li's talk and criticism to help, pointing out the mistake. Li an open mind, and that in future work will no longer happen.

chief correspondent Li Wei

Expert opinion

height and weight ratio is normal and reasonable

Chongqing Medical University, Professor of Nutrition and Food Hygiene Du Jianyun Art school children in 20 years of age, the body is a long time. The child's body can not be too thin, too thin may affect the child physically, especially girls too thin may affect the development or menstrual cycles.

daily intake of calories to meet the physical needs, as long as the ratio of height and weight ratio to maintain the normal range is reasonable. To guide students to keep fit, on the one hand a reasonable diet, focusing on nutrition, to ensure intake of calories needed to maintain normal growth. The second is to strengthen the training. More emphasis on the waist and other parts of the exercise.

Chongqing Vocational Education Jiaoke Yuan Yi, director of corporal punishment and the only economic means to punish students are wrong. As an art school teacher, its a good starting point and purpose is to test the students and the future, but the right way, not to gain weight how much how much would a fine, such an approach, such as economic sanctions will eventually be passed on to parents, also easily lead to student resentment.

I have something to say

this approach preferable to do


friends too much, especially for students learning dance, weight control should certainly. Well this is the barriers to entry, both the door into the dance, be aware that the thin bitter ... ...

friends Those models in the workplace, which is not hungry, out of body; learn ballet performers, toes should be trained to deformation; a fairy tale, Cinderella to wear the glass slipper, have gone through many hardships. Eat life of hardship, Fang Wei Ren Exalted, fat is not a dance of the school.


friends lessons.

friends Well, after all, still a long body.

