
UGG Boot Man foreign land when the kiln slave labor 112 days about 17 hours a day

I counted, plus the forced labor of the people I was around 30, the same supervision by whips. Some of us can not move hand or foot lame, utterly devoid of conscience to the supervision on a small rope tied to the cart handle, and then straight sets on their shoulders trailer.

two house workers have twenty-eight nine, out of all four men guarded supervision.

I can not cry, moaning softly to carry the bowl to scoop rice. At this time, there is supervision shouting

later, we know, the man turned over from the ridge after ridge jump two or three meters, and then die like jumping into a nearby river. Supervision catch the river, then swim to the middle of the river who have only watched each other escape.

through the shop side of the wall, I draw a lot of nails quietly orthography, I relied on calculating the number of days in the brick kilns.

brick gate, where there are two people with iron bars put on a drag car to greet me. They speak the local language, I do not understand.

when more and more people for help, the police asked how many people each willing to go to the police station to testify brick kiln owner. I and another 7 people said I would. Soon, we were on a vehicle. Another few trucks loaded brick coming one after another.

they hit me 56 minutes, I no longer see the drag resistance on the car. Gezhuojuchuang, I saw along the way is very remote.

the first 69 days

eating, waving whips hit me the night before the man told me the rules: not allowed to speak with other people, or beaten, we do not have to listen to say hello from the brick kilns, get up to eat, 5:30 to work, dinner 12:00, 12:30 to continue to work, 6:00 p.m. dinner, 6:30 to 23:00 back to work the cottage to sleep; fat cooking dinner, every 10 days, usually only eat a vegetarian meal and a bowl of cooked rice.

Suddenly, a van parked in a Jicha side of the road, running three 30-year-old man.

drivers is almost 30-year-old man. Later, I knew he was a small black brick kiln owners, like name high.

thirty-four days later, all of us were moved to another dark brick. Brick kilns do not do this, but to put other small brick kilns processed carts, taken to the kiln or from the kiln out.

I Jiao Xu Bing, 36 years old and live in Ma On Shan, Jiangbei District, the village street Tieshanping No. 160 Da group. Parents die early, I was an orphan, my cousin Xu is the closest person. In recent years, I rely on four part-time jobs to earn a living.

addition to guard the door of the two supervisors, the four supervisors are to recover the past. 10 minutes later, they returned, each face ashen. I heard one of the supervisors shouted angrily, probably means that he knew to run away early, the day he came in drag put him to death.

steel knock to break the wrist

in the brick kilns, and I continue to use nails draw orthographic, when designated to 111 paintings, I completely give up the idea of ​​escape: escape from time to time someone was severely beaten, and I was knocked out of the same people told me, resistance and escape most likely a dead end.

□ news

dry 17 hours without a break

Day 2

the same time for the individual or unit forced labor recruitment, transportation personnel, establish as criminal offenses.

the crime of forced labor draft of the statutory maximum penalty of three years mentioned in seven years. The draft states: violence, threat or restriction of personal freedom to force others to labor, and at 3 years of imprisonment or criminal detention, or impose a fine gold; the circumstances are serious, and at 3 years 7 years imprisonment and punishment gold.

According to Xinhua News Agency

evening, I placed a cottage connected with another 10 square meters of houses. House no windows, only seven or eight-meter-long Chase shop, quilt dirty discerned color.

Day 1

about 1 hour, the van drove into a brick side of the road. I saw nearly 30, twenties to fifties and sixties, the men do in the light brick, it was Tipi whip monitoring.

was risking death to escape the clutches

day night, a guy just arrived three or four days, in the back room to sleep all the way to escape. Pressed more than 10 bright flashlight in the brick kiln supervision of wasteland behind to catch up, before daybreak to return dejected.

every time the toilet, there is a Tipi supervision track whip me, some people are not being followed to the toilet. Later, I quietly asked companions because, they say, in here a long time and supervision that the service was hit and then not completely escape the people, when the toilet is not being tracked.

day and night, I went to the toilet twice, solution is urine. Later, I discovered that the workers here do brick, almost every solution of times two or three days stool --- enough to eat, big hands the solution interval is extended.

this point, almost like a nightmare had tortured him for six months --- it difficult to distinguish the color of the clothes he was wearing, and the same group of men crowded into dirty black house Chase Shop sleep; day labor about 17 hours, a slight complaint was pumping whips back ... ... Last week, Xu Bing always wake up in nightmares, sweating cold sweat, severe heart to let him hold your breath could be heard.

hearing armed police rescued

not dare to speak again, and finally wait until daybreak. Came crying to eat cottage outside sound. No one dared to snooze, like a spring out of bed, Wang Wuwai Bazi trot. Breakfast can not see the oil slick of fried cabbage, cooked rice per person will only be allowed to scoop a bowl.

I see, the cottage next to the three or four meters of Xie Tu Hom, and that sleep through the shop to another young man had climbed a hill. Then he jumped up from the slope.

police questioned me and other people's experience and record each person's contact phone number. The police took me to the hospital for X-ray, my wrist before he was knocked into a pipe fracture. At the end, the police arrested the scene from the brick, three suspects, and tell us, so the investigation will notify the end of the hearing to testify matters ... ...

do not want to work by whips pumping

like a broken wrist, and the pain unbearable. Middle of the night the pain woke up and found the back of the wrist and swollen like bread.

work too tired to walk slower

In recent years, some local brick main abduction, forced migrants and minors when the drudgery of the To combat these despicable acts, 23 the first time the NPC Standing Committee to consider amendments to the Criminal Law (8) the draft amended the relevant provisions of the crime of forced labor.

Yesterday, Jiangbei District, Xu Bing, man, from Yunnan Yiliang County Prosecutor's Office to get the message: use violent means to force him and dozens of workers labor in brick kilns owners certain other high-chasing three people have been criminal, Xu soldiers in the local court filed a separate civil action for damages.

I dragged them to a cottage and asked if I would be willing to work. I asked a lot of wages, the driver chuckled a few times. I thought he did not understand, asked. At this time,UGG Boot, an outside monitor to work, people come. He Tipi whipping me, and I cover their head and squatted on the ground, whip fell back, pain was terrible.

Each recall period of inhuman in Yunnan, Xu Bing felt fear.

11 5 March, I will always remember this day, orthographic plan to 112 paintings, I was the police rescued.

dawn, the supervisor called my work, I say incredible hand pain. Two supervisors got a motorcycle, one after sitting in my car clamped to a nearby selling herbal medicine deposited there.

where people with no distinction between rural farming of cattle: a whip had to endure to go quickly.

swallow every meal to eat cabbage cooked rice

I was shocked, standing on the side of the road not moving. Either side of me by two people on the ground, so I looked up when the van drove up. They do not speak, holding me on the train. I think that experience robbery, hoist the throat yelling for help. There is a flutter over the tall, hard card around my neck; the remaining two pairs of my skull and back Cookin.

dinner that evening, when a police car entered the kiln, all heavily armed police down. Later, the police urge the brick kiln owners to seize my ID card still me, I suddenly shouted courage: the police to save me!

early July last year, listening to people say that work is good money to Yunnan, I find a cousin to take tolls off. Who knows, could not find a good job, bad luck came. I remember that day is at 17:00 on July 25th or so, I am in Kunming Shilin County side of the road walk, almost run out of money, I would like to buy some food to save the fare to find a job.

day, I am here just for 69 days. The meal, got a Barber supervision from the outside, my hair is long and another eighty-nine who shaved his flat head.

I think, impossible to run, to wages is dreaming. No way, I promise to stay working.

Guizhou Maoxue head constantly, did not move throughout the night. The next day, he was thrown into the van, lift supervisor, pulled do not know where to go.

the first 112 days

afternoon, I was too tired to eat, when further than usual. Suddenly, I felt something pounding on the right wrist was a bit painful on the spot squatting on the ground. Just head up, his chest was Henti foot supervision. At this time, I did see, the wrist is struck with steel supervision.

12 o'clock at night, there is a 20-year-old track, under the supervision of Guizhou in the toilet. Few minutes, put iron bars or steel other supervisor ran cottage. Soon, the house came the groans. After another few minutes, the supervisor entered the room charge Guizhou, what he lost in the pass covered, talk to us,

offense of forced labor < / p>

maximum penalty of seven years from three years mentioned

where the weather is cool morning and evening, noon and afternoon hot people can not stand. Some time in here to do a long brick people, by the day to deal with the impact of cold mud, frostbite in winter is frozen into the gap is still not healed, often stained with the slightest traces of blood on the brick.

drag on the car pulled into the black brick

at the police station, I only know, to save us is the ancient city of Yunnan Province Yiliang police station. In the police station, that person is also a successful escape. He said after he escaped from brick kilns, brick kilns across the tall hills hiding in the bush are not out of the atmosphere, see the brick kiln near the flashlight continuously search. After dawn, his panic ran down to the city police station.

night, do brick after another back to the house. I heard five or six-year-old Chongqing, then the old man said, asked him to rely on in the past where Chongqing. He just say,

