
UGG Boot Man suspected father at home because of family conflicts to his wife and daughter were badl

to police reports, suspect FAN Ping, who lives in the area after Xingshan, FAN engaged in a phosphate transfer work. According to preliminary police investigation, FAN married last year, with his wife and estranged. A few days ago, one month after his daughter, his wife returned to her family live. FAN several times asked his wife to go home, were rejected; coupled with the full moon to do her wedding during the FAN and the mother's brother has come into conflict, FAN has been the heart with gas. Night of the incident, the two sides after an argument, FAN spilled gasoline, eventually led to the tragedy.

Burned baby strollers. Reporters Shenming She

visit the site: fire house without a finished thing

as several injured were severely burned, then rushed to the simple disposal of medical staff immediately after an ambulance rushed the injured to city hospitals for treatment.

3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the reporter went to the scene. A relative opened a two-story building's concubine, the reporter saw the burned Heiqu Qu scene: TV only a thin layer of dark, the bottom of the cabinet has distortion at the top of the wood plate block is more explosive blast was opened, more than almost burned the wooden black carbon ... the most gripping, the fire was robbed than a stroller, the car burned pieces of baby clothes char, rather than get.

At the same time, the duty officer to call to report the case to the district health department to determine the injured to have a special burn unit in Yichang City Hospital. After several hours of work, around midnight yesterday, the number of injured was successfully sent to the City Hospital for treatment. According to reports,UGG Boot, since several people were seriously injured, after the passed the critical stage, the amount of post-treatment costs will be enormous.

emergency: the injured rushed to City Hospital

noon yesterday, the Office of Long ZhangCun Town hospital director told reporters about the rescue process.

It is understood that more than the house built in 2003 to borrow money, the old couple are a living by farming. The eldest son had been burned in phosphate workers, because of physical illness, now at home recuperating.

so, the station director Du Yong Ping Zhangcun over the phone suddenly rang, horns village secretary Wenhai breathless on the phone. After receiving the emergency alarm, while arrangements for a number of ultra-Duyong police rushed to the scene, while quickly notify zhangcun Town Hospital, sent two ambulances to rescue the injured.

to police reports, according to preliminary investigation, the suspect as 23-year-old FAN. 7 o'clock that evening, his father carrying gasoline to more than holy wood home. After the quarrel, the number of pounds of gasoline spilled into the TV, resulting in the TV explosion, intense fire inside the house, father and son, 5-year-old granddaughter, FAN's wife and daughter were 37 days of serious burns.

the next scene so he was shocked: I smoke billowing home holy wood, flames Zhiwang Wai risk; son FAN washed out first, who the clothes were all burned and quickly ran away; I followed the eldest son of holy wood escape out, and had had flames, rolling on the ground again and again, the scene screams screams ... ...

night arrest: injured suspects surrender

initial diagnosis according to the doctor, injured all of extensive burns, burns of 70 to 80%. Immediate medical aid to injured persons, who burned the clothes will be cut open to take the initial infusion and other measures. Taking into account the serious injury the injured, rescue equipment reach the hospital treatment required, Yiling District, immediately to the hospital command center 120 for help, ask them to arrange an ambulance to collusion.

Since then, dozens of villagers rushed around, a few minutes after the fire fight, the five injured few hundred meters to the side of the road, waiting for treatment.

of the parties to rescue the injured, the police fled the scene of the arrest of suspects FAN to start work.

police analysis: family conflicts tragedy

zhangcun station director, Du Yong Ping Chao, due to the place where the Temple of the junction with the moon in the water Xingshan County, after the incident, which are immediately reported to higher authorities, with the moon in the water temple Xingshan county police station , Yiling District police station, cross the river fog, linkage, intersection set cabo control in many places. As the suspect was seriously injured when committing the crime, the police and contact a nearby hospital in time to find the whereabouts of the suspects. In addition, the village cadres to mobilize the police, family members, suspected of ideological work to do, surrendered to police.

did not calm down.

order to ensure the safety of FAN, FAN sent to the moon in the water temple Yiling District police station will be the direction of the fog to cross the river while waiting for an ambulance are local, followed by a police car escorted the suspect to the hospital rescue.

more than 11 points that night, the strong pressure forced the police, the FAN to Moon Water Temple police station to surrender.

Sports Network (the Three Gorges Evening News reporter stated the first intern correspondent Wang Wu Fu Li Jiao) splashed gasoline inside a large bottle, wife, young daughter and other people were seriously burned. The evening of July 27, Town of Yiling District zhangcun claw village tragedy occurred. After the incident, rescue the injured parties, Yiling, Xingshan closely with the police to start arresting work; 11 o'clock that night, burns itself FAN suspects surrendered to the police. Yesterday morning, reporters rushed to the scene ZhangCun Ping, interview the relevant parties.

sudden tragedy: Mang poured gasoline into the father-in-law house

