
UGG Ireland 14 young people bear the ring network bundled instructors fled boring life

Flight night, fainted a
go, talk about it
What can save you, my son

in schools to take away the child, the presence of the parents agreed, but no one has agreed to these children to school, parents and children in the police station Ku Cheng. After the police, schools and parents to communicate with, consent of the parents, school and police procedures for the transfer of all students will be brought back. (Children involved in the text are not his real name) correspondent Xu Bo Lu Changchun correspondent ancestral sixty-four

What is

same afternoon, three things Portal addiction physical therapy center head of city police station rushed to Xu. A responsible person,UGG Ireland, who received a 23:00 yesterday to escape the news of the students, the school leadership does not sleep a wink all night, instructors tied beaten bloody nose, they are more worried about them to parents to children. Although the school organized the students training, but they are for the children to grow up healthy. School children often do fun things, let them play to play.

Yang Yongxin original claim to the Ministry of Health issued a notice immediately, clear all across the country halted electricity addiction therapy.

exclusive unique skills:

classic words: online game ecstasy Debate from the network expanded to television, newspapers and other mass media has endlessly, will receive the nickname

in 2009, the Ministry of Health issued the network on human health and the social function of the damage. Ministry of Health also suggested that a strict principle of intervention to prevent improper and illegal Including restrictions on personal freedom is strictly prohibited intervention methods (such as closed, lock-style intervention), is strictly prohibited corporal punishment.

escaped the ring in the network center, with 14 participants, with their squad leader FU Xiang (a pseudonym), because the monitor is Xuyi people, three men traveling in a taxi they rushed Xuyi. After the city is anxious to reach the next morning, and there are a call people got separated, and sometimes can not be contacted, but no way to pay the fare, but to shake blind in the streets, while the taxi driver found wrong, then they called the police.

teacher, after reopening in 1977, admitted to his alma mater, the TAO open graduate school, he studied under the famous historian, Professor Zhang Kaiyuan, stayed on to teach after graduation. In 1984, he should be invited by the University of Michigan, as a visiting scholar to go to graduate, then settle in the United States. 2002 returned to his alma mater, Central China Normal University, retired as Distinguished Professor.

6 月 4 afternoon, the participants Wang's grandfather came to the sub-police station, with grandchildren at home so he will not go home, because the . Sun Ziping bent when playing online games, do not mind studying. Yao then rushed to the police station told police soldiers weeping mother, her child obsessed Internet novel, has 28 hours continuous Internet access, had very good results plummeted, how persuasion is useless. Looking at her mother sadly weeping with sleeves, leaning against the door frame of the Yao Bing dropped his head.

a high school students, surfing the Internet by their parents because of physical therapy center to get rid of addiction, parents and schools are generally entered into an agreement to correct six-month physical therapy, one-time payment of 18,000 yuan fee. Several people came to the school are two to three months, their daily schedule is physical training, field training, on the spoken English classes, counseling classes, calligraphy, learning ferule thugs heart, extra-curricular activities, mainly to play. Instructors from the three day rotation. Sooner or later eat bread and porridge, at noon is usually a dirty one element, and soup.

Yang Yongxin: Linyi people, born in 1962 in the Fourth People's Hospital (formerly Linyi psychiatric hospital) for 20 years, mental health professional is psychological. He founded the nationally known center of the whole ring network called

2009 年 May, the China Youth Daily, Internet addiction controversy

a 竹筒倒豆子 These children come from different places, there Jurong, there Baoying, as well as Zhejiang Yueqing, they are the oldest 22 years old, the youngest only 15 years old, are sent by their parents get rid of . But the boy soon found that this group of ring network very tough day, so secretly plan their escape plan.

a Jane's mother, student party night rushed to Xu city, leading their children away, she paid 700 yuan for these students to play the fees, and other children left 200 yuan pocket money, the other lives in Yang Mu, Jiangyin, Yangzhou, Suzhou and Zhejiang Province, the other seven parents of the students have also received Xu City police on the phone.

This is obviously a carefully planned flight, a student said that before the incident, he saw other students in the school again to take a rope tied around the training action, then only react to prepare instructors to bundle of. However, instructors are successful in that According to police, night by night a total of 14 people escaped from the center of the door.

almost every child has its own story, each family has a cupboard. 7 students in nearly half from single parent families in which a mother after the death of her husband's car accident, on their own money in the garment factory overtime, to give children ring network, she took three years to do work to earn their own Application money for the children.

life not say what, students are mainly not stand the monotony of the school environment and high-intensity training. Their only like psychological Teachers also requested a holiday now. They said that he is not really imagine, as parents and schools is the addiction too, but sometimes parents are not satisfied with the practice and say, deliberately Internet to find fun, interesting is not the Internet there is no other place to go.

6 月 3 at, five or six of them juveniles found an opportunity, surrounded them on the night shift instructors to launch instructors will be tied up, panic-stricken instructors do not know these students want to do, anxious screaming for help ... ... heard the instructors yelling for help, afraid of his escape plan was brought to light, some of the instructors moving his hand, but do not re-start, while also playing while said,

6 月 4 am, the Public Security Bureau Xu Xuyi city police station received a taxi driver Police said a group of young people suspected pyramid schemes. Police rushed to the scene and found eight children all dressed in fatigues. Police said the two taxi drivers who take a taxi that night to the city from the Huai Xu Yi, and now no money to pay the fare, these young people suspected of engaging in illegal activities. Further questioning, the police were surprised to discover that this eight from the Huai same addiction treatment center, they fled by night, for which they will nightwatchman instructors tied up.

reached a degree of obsession and self-liberation of behavior is difficult to state and mental state. However, some unscrupulous operators malicious speculation, unlicensed operation

