
UGG UK Jingdong slowing U.S. IPO to avoid the worst time the first half of next year

Qin Wei

Although the two sides the United States regulatory agencies for the audit of listed Chinese companies at an impasse, the U.S. market for Chinese stocks are not good, but Jingdong Mall (microblogging) ( hereinafter referred to as

9 month, news that the United States market next year to consider Jingdong, funding could total up to 40 billion -50 billion U.S. dollars, will be far in 2004 the size of Google's $ 1.9 billion, becoming the largest U.S. IPO in the history of one. However, the reality, Jingdong's IPO process has undoubtedly slowed down.

less money, or just cheap. to finalize the underwriting team is likely to include several foreign investment banks.

to avoid the worst time

IPOX Schuster's CEO Josef Schuster told reporters.

In fact, the Nasdaq 100 index so far this year are up 7.33%, is down 19.25% this year compared to the Hang Seng Index, the performance is not so bad. It seems difficult to understand,UGG UK, are still relatively weak market in Hong Kong IPO transactions have.

in the US-listed Chinese stocks that investors are more sensitive to performance.

Josef Schuster pointed out that China stocks after the financial scandal broke out, not only for investors suffered losses of 100%, also contributed to the U.S. SEC's review of the more stringent prices IPO, institutional investors, these factors also make were kept at a distance.

the end of the market Dangdang (microblogging) October 18 to close at $ 5.6 per share, compared with $ 16 issue price decline has been as high as 65%; May this year,UGG UK, just listed all network ( micro-Bo), which traded below the issue price one week $ 14 Oct. 18 to close at $ 5.65 per share, down 59 percent; this August Tudou (microblogging) below the issue in the same day price $ 29, October 18 closing price of $ 16.59, down more than 42%.

forcing the following restrictions pricing.

Jingdong data provided according to 2008 sales of 1.36 billion yuan; 2009, an increase of nearly 3 times the $ 4 billion; last year, total sales of more Jingdong $ 10.2 billion in China sales volume accounted for Continental 32.5% share of net retail purchases. Qiang Dong (microblogging) even said that there is confidence in this year's sales reached 24 billion -260 billion.

IResearch latest survey data show that in the second quarter, sales in the style of independent B2C, the proportion of Jingdong Mall topped the transaction size was 35.1%, far more than other B2C shopping site.

However, these growth data have failed to cure Jingdong Mishap - profit. Liu Qiang East only expressed the hope that the second half of next year to achieve profitability.

since 2007, Jingdong have received three investments. In 2007,UGG UK, today the capital investment of ten million U.S. dollars Jingdong; the end of 2008, today's capital, Bull Capital and Asian investment banker Francis Leung Jingdong private company jointly funding $ 21 million. Earlier this year, Jingdong was given the amount of the Chinese Internet market, the largest single financing to date - Russian investor Digital Sky Technologies (DST), a total of six Tiger funds and private funds invested a total of $ 1.5 billion.

an explanation.

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