
UGG Boots Sale Department of Education issued a circular to allow teachers to contribute the amount

Yong, said the donation, in areas where other agencies and institutions are carried out, the current progress of the education system is relatively slow. standards implementation.

Guangling surnamed Tan, government offices, a deputy director admitted that the district government did to the region of the towns, streets and public institutions, the district had the authority issued to raise funds to ride out the storm and re-employment file. hair, I can not remember, this is a good thing, we all should support. this is to attach importance to the matter at all levels to ensure that the money can be raised in place related.

Many of the teachers within the system after receiving the notice feeling forced donations, this feeling is a kind of p> implant to the executive powers implicit in the specific work, the hidden power of deterrence, perhaps get one or two items to the successful outcome, injury or livelihood will be harmonious foundation professor of sociology at Fudan University with the words of the sea say, whether the authority or institution, whether or not to do good, if contrary to the wishes of the parties is to destroy people's enthusiasm for philanthropy is tantamount to Banded Social only

contributions to the final destination of funds and oversight, the teachers are also very concerned about. notice in donations, and donations will be announced no mention of the last final destination, and the specific methods used.

funds for supervision

Among them, the monthly income of 3,000 or less, the amount of contributions $ 400; monthly income of 3,000 yuan to 4,000 yuan, and is $ 500; monthly income of 4,000 yuan and above, the amount of contributions is $ 600. Meanwhile, the The

district government to explain

hope all members to participate

Recently, the Yangzhou Guangling all primary and secondary school leaders are received from the District Department of Education issued a circular asking all teachers in a school organization helping solve problems and re-employment of special fund-raising activities and contributions provided specific standards and targets. Although the donations, school and education department heads are claimed to be voluntary, but that may be part of the teacher, provides a specific level of contributions and objects, claiming that substantial voluntary contributions into a operation opaque. In this regard, the Education Bureau Guangling response, this contribution is the district government issued form of a document called, the Department of Education is also a response to the call, donations are entirely voluntary, not mandatory.

but not mandatory

This loose in the form of individual voluntary code of conduct for collective organizational behavior, that to do so, the effect is a good point. flavor.

First, the district government to develop a funding plan in advance, in which the amount of funds from the social plan is 110 million since the area With the Task Scheduler in, there should be a corresponding color?

donations turned over to the account

Department of Education to respond

Although monthly income of 5,000 yuan or more, can be heavy family burdens, donated 600 yuan more difficult.

of contributions standards, Tan, deputy director, said the district government documents in the standard, but a guiding standard, practice, no minimum donation, is not capped up. Most people are willing. p> and the use of funds, Tan, deputy director, said, mainly for Chinese New Year, when some of the laid-off workers and the difficulties families condolences, as well as workers re-employment of special expenses. have a special supervision and auditing departments involved, the use of funds each time the object and purpose and the benefits are clear, full acceptance of the relevant departments and donor supervision. experience dissatisfaction and even conflict, is hidden behind a series of questions one hundred logic.

primary one, according to the Area leaders said the Department of Education recently received a contribution notice, found to have a specific level of contributions, he also do not think very appropriate.

part of the respondents believed that, since the contribution of the project to solve the predicament and re-employment funds, and that the government should have a special financial models, due to financial and other reasons, to raise the community, but also normal, but it must be There are channels to ensure that earmarked. can not be specific,UGG Boots Sale, how a special law, it should be explained clearly, and notices posted openly accept the supervision of the donors.

the teachers how to use the funds raised by the issue, Yong said, Bureau of Labor and directly into the special account, be well documented. He believed that most teachers are voluntary contributions.

dedicated funds can

monthly income of 3,000 yuan to 4,000 yuan in three files, the amount of contributions were $ 400, 500 yuan and 600 yuan

Guangling Department of Education to illustrate the level of contributions is not the Department of Education to develop, but to convey the spirit of the district government documents, the Government will Guangling October 15 on documents issued by the Department of Education showed reporters a copy of the district government copies of the documents shows that the re-employment fund-raising predicament and divided into two ways, one is the district government funds, raising the amount of 1.8 million dollars, earmarked by the financial solution. The other part comes from the social fund, the amount of $ 1.1 million.

Fang and colleagues that this message immediately after login Guangling Education's website to view online donation notice. The spirit, it was decided to organize the region to conduct a special donation service teachers.

Guangling Education Office Yong admitted that the council recently did the documentation requirements under the Guangling, is organizing the region in-service teachers and Education government workers to ride out the storm and re-employment fund-raising work. However, he believes that the donation provides for a level of contributions, but is not mandatory, because of their contribution notice is issued a notice, not the form of a document issued, in accordance with the notice requirements in the post although the number of full charge, but non-participants did not explicitly say that the donation is not.

is a guiding standard

teachers respond

communication and the school leaders, teachers completely voluntary donations, the teacher's own home is more difficult, you can not attend the fund-raising activities.

clear and specific standards

Central Government to file the form to call this, is to attach importance to the matter at all levels to ensure that the money can be raised in place related

Second, the district has the task of 1.1 million plan will be further implemented in all natural functions of the system, as insiders said that the raising, not only in the area of ​​education systems, in other organs and institutions in the area are also being implemented. can think of is, the task the next camp, the various functions of the system must be based on areas where the consider is , does not mean that everyone must be involved. understood, the result is full of contributions expected of them? If, as they expected, so a class to the expectations passed on, how could not contribute power to deter acts of an impact?

Department of Education does not control

contribution removed notify < / p>

Previously, contributions Guangling Department of Education has been hanging in the Department of Education notice on the website the day before yesterday evening, reporters reflect the views of some teachers, the Bureau immediately removed the donation from the site notice, but donations activities as usual, and emphasizes voluntary.

primary school teacher on condition of anonymity, said no one would dare not to donate, so this donation, in effect, become assessed.

or not voluntary

insider said that this funding not only the education system in the area, in the area of ​​other organizations and institutions, are also being implemented.

file on the predicament and the re-employment funds to agencies and institutions to raise the standards of workers and Guangling District Education Bureau to schools to inform the standard exactly. The document also clearly states, the township authorities and institutions to be charged in accordance with the number of serving officers earmarked contributions, and requirements related to lead efforts to implement this.

want attention donations

-service teachers received a fixed contribution notice

since that the donation is voluntary, you can not attend can participate, then why in the Department of Education issued a notice in contributions, also explicitly states that received by full-service workers do? In this regard, Liu Yong explained that the Department of Education's ultimate goal is to achieve full participation in the only purpose, does not mean that everyone must be involved.

November 19, Yangzhou Guangling a Gongbanxiaoxue the Fang (a pseudonym) and his colleagues received inform school leaders, said the Department of Education requires all teachers to make a donation in the school activities, and everyone must participate, level of contributions is also fixed, please teachers to the district Department of Education Web site specific questions about contributions, and is responsible for closing the school as soon as possible The teacher models the standard contributions.

about four o'clock yesterday afternoon, the reporter in front of Guangling Incubation experimental school, several teachers were asked about their donations are said to know the issue, recently prepared according to the standard contributions. One teacher refused to be named, said he believes call for contributions is a good thing, the teacher will respond. However, the contribution of the provisions of the standard, and requires full contribution to the practice, the teacher did not agree that although we all dig the money, and my heart is certainly uncomfortable.

Yong said the day before yesterday morning, Guangling Incubation experiments even went to his school's leadership communicate the matter, said the school has a teacher's home is more difficult, do not want to participate, and the other teachers want to direct contributions to the class of poor students, Department of Education have agreed to the teacher their ideas.

a contribution notice

donations in the form of loose change the past, the individual voluntary code of conduct for collective organizational behavior, but does not want to participate in full force

the Government does Posting

a teacher that said it is the Department of Education Organization, teachers, voluntary, but issued a voluntary notice did not see the meaning of

use of funds is unknown

District School Board has to communicate to all school leaders, teachers completely voluntary donations, the family can be difficult for teachers not to participate

another teacher, said the family conditions are very good teacher, even if would like to donate, can be arrayed in the standard, but also embarrassed money, for fear that others show off their wealth. Some teachers believe that although the donation, the organization said it is Department of Education, teachers, voluntary, but its contribution notice issued, did not see the meaning of voluntary donations.

□ Express correspondent Li Shaofu


