
UGG Boots Sale Injured sudden death secondary school recess , said Department of heart disease death

10 18, Mengcheng County high school students at the school, a sudden death, the school said its likely to die of heart disease. Boys father thought that his son died some strange.

suddenly heard the death of their loved ones

10 月 18 日 10, working in Jiangsu Ying Zhao received a phone call,UGG Boots Sale, the caller said her 16-year-old brother Zhao Xiaoliang (a pseudonym) collapsed ,UGG Boots Sale, has called the ambulance. Ying Zhao told the news by telephone to his father Zhao Ji Ran.

5 minutes later, Zhao film also received the same phone numbers. Phone the other end, Zhao Xiaoliang the teacher said:

what the cause of death

body above the injury?

the school said the students died of a heart

10 18 morning, the first was rushed to hospital Zhao Kai, Zhao Xiaoliang deceased cousin. Zhao Kai came to the hospital, what is called the first time I felt miserable.

10 minutes later, Zhao Xiaoliang's school teacher came to the hospital, then the school was told Zhao Kai, Xiao-Liang Zhao's death as Zhao Kai this doubt:

10 月 18 日 14 am, Zhao Ji then chartered back Mengcheng County Board Town, Zhao Xiaoliang to see his son's body.

Single to reporters, made a physical examination alone shows Zhao Xiaoliang chest, B-ECG, color Doppler ultrasound.

Zhao Xiaoliang Zhao Ji then turning the body, back a road wound clear: some have scarring, and some seem to be injured just a few days ago. In Zhao Xiaoliang ear and forehead, Zhao Kai said blue has become purple.

allegedly collect find a school, and inform the class teacher Zhao Xiaoliang.

It is understood, Zhao Xiaoliang middle grades, honest man, and the relationship between students is also good.

hospital when no vital signs

Itabashi reporter went to high school then, the staff is more than keep the school gate. A first start claiming the school staff, followed by a man claiming to Department of Education staff, told reporters: .

Town Board told reporters that the hospital's president Li Mengfeng, Zhao Xiaoliang to the hospital had

school statement

joking, I suddenly fell to the ground

10 月 19 日 17 am, in Mengcheng county propaganda department of the arrangement, Itabashi School Ding also work on the principal questions parents Zhao Xiaoliang, accepted the reporters.

Ding also workers told reporters that at 9:40 on October 18, finished second class on the big break, Itabashi school eight (5) certain classes of students Gui, Zhang, certain, Zhao Xiaoliang classrooms and other students standing together talking and laughing under the corridor, it did not happen slapstick. Zhao Xiaoliang during sudden trembling, his fists, eyes on the turn, fell to the ground unconscious. Students rushed quickly to the teacher reports. Then the ambulance rushed to the hospital, be sent to Itabashi town hospitals.

upon inspection, Zhao Xiaoliang pupil is enlarged, signs of life disappear.

Zhao Xiaoliang, who appeared as the Reporters tried to verify the public security department, but the public security sector is reluctant to be interviewed.

for Zhao Xiaoliang Zhao Ji was then reflected in the problem of extortion, D work is also a little more vague, he explained,UGG Boots Sale,

the reporter Yao Qinglin

