
UGG Boot Breaks the seal without the collapse of village houses ninety father ( figure )

Yesterday at about 9 am , Dongyang City, Hengdian town to their village, a village of two-story buildings without additional layers , resulting in houses collapsed on the spot buried his 95 -year-old father , Gemou old dead after being dug out . Two construction workers fall from 3rd floor , were seriously injured and is now an emergency rescue .

Jinhua City Fire Department , said that since 2009 , there were several causes of Jinhua has led to collapse without seal housing has resulted in many deaths. Now in Jinhua rural areas, many villagers secretly increasing the height of the building , causing a great security risk .

newspaper correspondent Zouning Hao Niu Yan-feng

After the incident , firefighters rushed to the scene. Since the collapse of the house which a few live wires intertwined and affect a rescue . The fire department immediately and contact the power supply department , and then clean up the pillars collapsed down , tiles and other obstacles . More than 1 hour later, firefighters finally found the old man , but had died .

newspaper reporter in Jinhua Du Yufeng

old man 's grandson said that due to some old house ,UGG Boot, and often leaking , and my father wanted to increase platform above the third floor level , but, unfortunately, things actually happen .

Collapsed houses

