
UGG Online 2008.12.30 ( long exposure )

night a friend called to get together , presented a well-known investment bank executives JJ, talk together .

JJ are not familiar with the Internet , the telecommunications industry had mainly to do stock analysis , I circle of friends we can not do without the old topic is always professional , or the Internet that point out the thing .

JJ is very serious open-minded to determine the notes there are no comments, took out pen and book, specialized consulting side while recording . Twitched Internet Trivial this decade ,UGG Online, nothing more than a few large portals of the dispute , IM, search, portals , games , advertising, video and other characteristics of the business model and future trends. From the horse 's low-key ,UGG Online, pragmatic Ding , Chaoyang personality, Ma 's insolent , Mr. Chen's strong to the myth of IM , video, burn , games, profits , the general trend of e-commerce , portal limitations, and then from a technical , prostitution only , and cultural generalization , even I feel that they entered Chetan atmosphere , abnormal thinking and logic clear mission , coupled with what the total with General Lee at the right time to make appropriate wonder , other non- loitering prostitution who finally five-body cast , the results I did not bring business card (in fact, not printed ) .

decent work for investment banks this high , but also reflects their professionalism , since scattered apart , JJ 's book on the secret password code has several pages , and made a torch array of chart analysis model , it is a clear mission , and detailed advice for all kinds of items scoring , ultimately the industry can draw a more objective comparison, pattern comparison, way more .

has learned , unfamiliar things ,UGG Online, to learn their own , not as a simple consultation with various key categories , and in the simple form on the last division , using a professional model-based analysis , but also their draw the appropriate conclusions, this is a good solution .

long science in itself.

