
Four single mothers concerned about the manuscript written in 180 000 middle-aged divorced women, th

book concerns middle-aged divorced women

In real life, there are some similar situation. Couples in why young men and women often hesitate to move into the marriage, when the endless years of marriage when the couple is not happy because they do not get confused. So, in marriage, the two sides in the end how to get along? Divorce, how to face a new life? Nanjing, a single mother to their interview experiences and insights into a book, called care.

Author: Sun Yat-sen / Source: Nanjing Morning Post

to 50 years old with the boy's mother; disabled. In the book, she honestly tell you that the dissolution of marriage, woman injured in the most important thing, far more than the happiness of their tears, they also lack a strong person, but tend to have a strong behind-sensitive fragile heart. Qiang Cheng illusion of women's mind is a more serious injury. She said that single is not terrible, just a single one of the normal state of existence, is too close themselves, or easily accept the root cause is the secondary damage. Yu Xiaoqin recommendations have been divorced women do not lose the direction of life, have their own interests, hobbies, but also to self-reliance, as a happy life always favor those who are prepared. Hopes that more people benefit from the book.

see man and a woman's silhouette, so romantic, I cover designs from Yu Xiaoqin hands. It turned out that her book design and production expertise learned in college. Yu Xiaoqin said that nearly 18 million words of the manuscript published in book form it took her four years. From 2003 to write, to complete the manuscript in 2007, to this year's printing and publishing, can be described as easy road. When the 180,000 words in print, she has a strange move, which has the support of family, friends and more to help the cultural sector, the Nanjing Art Institute, Professor Pei Guochang also for her preface to this book, entitled . Yu Xiaoqin speaking, writing, of women have strikingly similar state of psychological development, they have gone from hope, despair, to despair that came about. She hoped to see and hear as well as their own insights through this book to tell you, to give more people a little confusion in the reminder.

four-word manuscript written in 180 000

familiar with Yu Xiaoqin who knows she is a personality, strong-minded woman, 10 years ago, she was out of the marriage of the siege, with a 7-year-old son had played a single mother's life. The ups and downs which can only own taste. However, she steadfastly along. Seven years ago, she concentrated specializes in psychology, admitted to the Institute of Psychology Psychology Open University, studying psychology, writing her love, often published in major national newspapers and psychology articles about marriage. Later, Nanjing invite her to a newspaper columnist, writing for the emotional part Experts. In the process, she has more contact with divorced men and women the opportunity to have everyone become bitter and the bitterness of her writing material for her later book which laid a good foundation. Yu Xiaoqin said, the book focus on the case of middle-aged divorced woman, she more than 100 cases selected from more than 20 cases, narrative and interview notes, I take a combination of his right. The book by the analysis of divorce cases, alert the reader how to choose a spouse, how to handle marriage and family relationships, how to live a good life after divorce.

